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g Playstation 3 Site

BellaOnline's Playstation 3 Editor

 E D I T O R   P I C K S  

Here are the Editor's Picks articles for the Playstation 3 Site! These are the top ten articles that your Playstation 3 Editor feels are most important for you to read. Enjoy!

1. Karaoke Revolution Party Song List
I love Karaoke Revolution Party - the song list is amazing! Here's a complete list of what songs are on this set.

2. Karaoke Revolution Party
Karaoke Revolution Party is a fantastic game with great songs, great easy gameplay and perfect party game features. If you've never tried a karaoke game, now's the time to play.

3. DDRX / Dance Dance Revolution X
How many DDR games can they make? DDRX brings a new, urban video-based look to the DDR game, but in the end it really comes down to if you enjoy the songs and dancing to them.

4. HDMI Cable for PlayStation 3
As odd as it might seem to non-technical people, it does really make a difference what cable you use to connect your PS3 to your TV. The cable helps to define what type of signal your TV receives.

5. Marvel Ultimate Alliance PS3 Screenshots
Marvel Ultimate Alliance is a collection of superheroes all fighting a collection of evil enemies. Here are some screenshots from the PS3 version of the game.

6. Getting PS2 Online - Step by Step 2
Step 2 in getting your PS2 online is making sure your PS2 knows how to talk to the internet. That is what the Network Connector is all about.

7. Getting PS2 Online - Step by Step
If you are getting your PlayStation 2 to go Online, this is exactly what you need. Step by step instructions, with photos, of exactly what to do.

8. PS3 and Instant Streaming Netflix
If you are a fan of the PS3, your PS3 just got even more cool. Netflix now offers instant streaming of movies and TV shows - *without* a Netflix DVD in the system. This means you can keep your favorite game in there while you watch your shows.

9. Playing PS2 on a Laptop Screen / Dazzle
If you´re going on vacation, you want to bring your PS2 or other video game along. What if there´s no TV or the TV does not have input plugs? Simply buy a Dazzle device and play on your laptop!

10. PS3 Fan and Heat Issues
The PlayStation 3 is a great unit with a Blu-ray drive in it. This system seems to generate quite a lot of heat - and has a very quiet but small fan.

Be sure to visit the Playstation 3 Archives for all the articles!


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DDR Extreme - Dance Dance Revolution

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