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How Advertising Works

You submit money via PayPal, choose up to six sites to run your ads on, and a client area is automatically set up for you for those sites you have chosen. You can then immediately start loading in graphic ads and newsletter text ads, which go live instantly. The ads run on a CPM basis. Your deposit money slowly decrements as the ads are shown. When your deposit reaches zero, the account goes inactive. We never charge you for more than what you have paid in. You can then choose to renew if you wish.

You begin with a $50, $100 or $500 initial deposit. This is your balance against which your ads are charged. Once you pay in a deposit to BellaOnline via PayPal, you immediately are given access to your sign-up area to create your client account. You can choose up to 6 topic areas on which to run your ads. Most advertisers are best targeted to 1-2 topic areas as their primary audience. By giving you an additional four to work with as well, it lets you play with different ads in different areas to see how well they perform. A typical $50 ad campaign normally lasts 2-3 weeks.

Once you choose those 1-6 topic areas, your client count is automatically set up and goes live. You then have access to an administrative interface on BellaOnline that gives you full control over your campaign. You can load up banner and newsletter ads to the topics you have chosen. You can run the same ad across all topics, or put a custom ad onto each individual topic. You can use a different URL for each ad for tracking purposes. You can activate and deactivate ads as you go, turning off the less performing ads and fine tuning the best performing ads.

All ads at BellaOnline are done on a CPM basis - Cost Per Thousand. So your deposit amount decrements slowly as your ads are seen by visitors.

Each time a webpage with your ad is shown to a visitor, a traffic counter for that particular ad increments by one. If for example the ad's rate is $2 CPM, then when that counter clicks through 1,000 ad views, your total deposit will have decremented by $2. Your cost for the ad is $2 for every thousand shown.

We provide online reporting 24x7 of both impressions (the number of time each ad has been viewed) and click-throughs (the number of times each ad has been clicked on and followed to your site). You can see at any moment in time exactly how your ads are doing on each site you are working with. In addition to our site telling you how many people we send to you, your own site's weblogs will of course tell you where your traffic comes from. So you will see clearly in your own weblogs how many visitors come to your site from ours.

You can apply your deposit to any combination of ads you wish. You can use that deposit all for newsletter ads, all for top banner ads, or any other combination. You may change your ad mix during the campaign as you see what works for your particular needs. As your ads are shown to visitors, the "remaining balance" in your account slowly decreases until it reaches zero. When your balance reaches zero, your ad campaign is complete.

When your deposit amount reaches zero, your account becomes inactive. No more ads are run, no more money is charged. Once your account is inactive, if you choose to renew with a fresh account, you can then go with your best performing 1-2 topics as well as try out some other topic areas if you wish. If you choose to renew your existing account, you would be renewing the same topic selection as used previously. Most advertisers find they settle on 1-2 topic areas that do really well for them and just focus on those.

Ad Campaign Example
You want to run ads for your pet supply website. You pay in $100 for a BellaOnline ad account via PayPal, and are presented with the advertising sign-up screen. On that screen you choose to run ads on the cats, dogs, birds, and exotic pets sites. Your client account is automatically created to provide access to those sites. In your new admin area, you load up specific ads for each topic area - a cats ad for the cats site, a dogs ad for the dogs site, and so on. Those ads go live immediately. You watch the ads run for a week and see that the ad does really well for cat and bird owners, but not for dog or exotic pet owners. You then deactivate the dog and exotic pet ads, and just continue to run the cat and bird ads for the rest of your campaign. When your deposit amount reduces to zero, your ad campaign becomes inactive automatically.

Visit our Media Kit for sample graphic sizes and ad text.

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Designing a Web Ad - A BellaOnline Step by Step Primer!


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