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BellaOnline Alumni

BellaOnline's Mission Statement reads:

BellaOnline is an encouraging, supportive publishing community for women. We provide free training, support and promotion so writers may reach their personal and business goals. Overall, BellaOnline delivers high-quality, helpful, trustworthy content, at no cost, in a low advertisement environment for our millions of visitors.

BellaOnline has as a prime mission to bring in women who do not have writing experience but who do have a passion for a specific topic. We teach those women how to write for the web, how to do marketing, how to create ebooks, and how to build a network of contacts. We teach them how to interact professionally with the world of the internet.

Our aim is for each woman in our network to become a well respected work-from-home entrepreneur, and to eventually move beyond what BellaOnline provides. We help her to use the content she's created during her BellaOnline editor years to create a book and to launch her own website on her topic. Every article she's written during her time with us is a step towards that goal. She always owns all rights to her own content. We provide her, for free, with the skills and education necessary to make that leap. Once the existing editor is ready for that transformation, then BellaOnline can take in a fresh new editor for that topic area, and train a new woman in those skills!

When a BellaOnline editor "leaves the nest", she becomes a respected BellaOnline Alumni. Our Alumni are located all around the world, thriving on the web, running profitable sales sites, and going on book tours for their published works. We are extremely proud of our BellaOnline Alumni and invite them to our yearly gatherings to inspire and work with our existing editors. BellaOnline Alumni participate in our monthly public chats as well.

Here are just a few of our BellaOnline alumni! Please visit their sites and support their projects.

Lisa Angelettie, Depression Editor
Charlene Ashendorf, Senior Living Editor
Julie L Baumler, Computer Careers Editor
Kris Bigalk, Twins Editor
Jill Browne, Budget Travel Editor
Shadra Bruce, Stepparenting Editor
D. Lynn Byrne, Graduate School Editor
Carolyn Chambers Clark, Menopause Editor
Nicole Collins, Current Events Editor
Sharon Cullars, Short Stories Editor
Joanna Czechowska, British Television Editor
Tony Daltorio, Investing Editor
Trish Deenan, Pagan Editor
Heather DeGeorge, Cleaning Editor
Monica Flink, Manga / Comics Editor
Julie Fredrick, European Travel Editor
S.P. Gass, Mid-Atlantic USA Editor
Gretchen Goel, Holistic Health Editor
Sheri Goeser-Stritof, Senior Living Editor
Sheila Goss, Women in Music
Malika Harricharan, Birding Editor
Grace Hodgin, Crafts for Kids Editor
Ann Marie Hodrick, Fashion Jewelry Editor
Susan Hopf, Horses Editor
Kristen Houghton, Marriage Editor
Kitten Jackson, Depression Editor
Kristal Johnson, Charity Editor
Susan Keeping, Scottish Culture Editor
Kristie Kennedy, Unemployment Editor
Diane Kern, Feng Shui Editor
Gregory A. Kompes, Online Learning Editor
Tricia Ann Krietzberg, Charity Editor
Suzanne Lanoue, Soap Operas Editor
Jim Lowrance, Thyroid Health Editor
Nancy Man, Baby Names Editor
Casey Manes, Women's Lit Editor
Sonia R. Martinez, Hawaii Editor
Mavis Metcalf, Bird Editor
Chris Franchetti Michaels, Jewelry Making Editor
Carol Olmstead, Feng Shui Editor
Patricia Pedraza-Nafziger, Married-No-Kid Editor
Stephanie Romero, Independent Parties Editor
Glenda Schoonmaker, Nonfiction Writing Editor
Neville Sexton, Child Loss Editor
Lizz Shepherd, Classic Rock Editor
Sarah Spann, Pop Music Editor
Debra Stang, Senior Living Editor
Joanna Strom, Motorcycles Editor
Sue Sutherland-Wood, Blues and Jazz Editor
Katie Schwauch, Formula One Editor
Vandana Trivedi, Indian Food Editor
Jill Valente, Healthy Foods Editor
Kathryn Weber, Cleaning Editor
Melissa Weise, Teen Editor
Dr. Letitia Wright, Prime Time TV Editor

If you are a BellaOnline alumni and would like to be promoted on this page, just contact Lisa and she'll get you set up! We love to help you reach your dreams and goals.

If are not a BellaOnline editor, we'd love to have you join our community! Simply click on Become an Editor to learn more about the BellaOnline training.

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Instant Pot Pizza Pasta Sauce Recipe

Lemon Pudding Cake Recipe


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Summertime Foods
Corn on the Cob
Burgers on the Grill
Apple Pie


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